The PlantSim Unit #2 model includes first-principles based models of the following:
- Tangential fired forced circulation boiler (4 BCW pumps) and 5 coal mills
- GE Steam turbine (1HP, 1 IP and 2 LP)
- 2 Forced Draft Fans, 2 Induced Draft Fans
- 4 Circ Water and 2 Condensate Pumps
- 2 Turbine Boiler Feed Pumps
- Electrical System and Generator
- Control System with Emulated DCS HMI Screens
- Extensive Hard Panel Emulations
The PlantSim 2 model contains a fully functional replica of the control room Human Machine Interface graphics. Actual graphics with simulated data are displayed within this document. Operation of plant equipment is accomplished via point and click on the main graphic display, or by using the control room hard-panel emulation. The hard panel emulations contain realistic images of the true hard panel, and contain features such as lock out of hard panel switches.
The PlantSim 2 Human Machine Interface graphics contain a graphical menu system to navigate from screen to screen. HMI Graphics typically display process values, and allow for control features, while the Hard Panel is used primarily for start/stop operation of major equipment.